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Case Law Update
Collaboration to Improve Civil Protection Order Systems

Collaboration is a fundamental element of creating and sustaining lasting change in the civil protection order (CPO) system. According to the NCJFCJ’s Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice (CPO Guide), collaboration helps to…

The Ready Resource, October 2022

This special edition Ready Resource, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, highlights the newest resources for judges and judicial officers produced by the NCJFCJ’s domestic violence projects.

Courting Judicial Excellence in Juvenile Justice: A 50-State Stud…

Juvenile court judges are the most important public figures in the juvenile justice system—their decisions impact whether hundreds of thousands of youth each year become court involved and for how long, whether they are involuntarily…

Case Law Update
Domestic Violence Rebuttable Presumption: Case Law Update 2018-20…

This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to a rebuttable presumption against awarding sole or joint custody to a parent who has engaged in domestic violence against the other parent.…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
COVID-19 and Abuse in Later Life The Impact and What Judges and C…

The impact of the pandemic on older adults cannot be overstated. While much is still unknown about the virus, the research is clear that it affects older adults more severely. The mortality rate for patients…

Case Law Update
Civil Protection Order: Case Law Update for 2019

This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to civil protection orders, their issuance, and their enforcement for the year 2019. While most of these summaries are brief, containing only the…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
The Indian Child Welfare Act and Active Efforts: Past and Present

Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in 1978 to address the widespread practice of state entities removing American Indian and Alaskan Native children from their homes and families. Congress found “an alarmingly high…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
5 Ways Prosecuting Attorneys and Public Defenders Can Use Public …

The relationship between prosecuting attorneys and public defenders is adversarial in nature. However, due to the rise of problem-solving courts and the use of multi-disciplinary teams, this relationship has become less adversarial. Most common are…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
State Custody Statutes Relevant to Domestic Violence

This chart shows statutes for all 50 states and the District of Columbia involving child custody and domestic violence. The chart is current as of 10/31/2018.

Annual Report
Reflection & Redefinition: Annual Report 2019

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ (NCJFCJ) 2019 Annual Report, Reflection & Redefinition, looks back at the extraordinary achievements of the NCJFCJ in 2019. The members of the NCJFCJ are the driving…

National Judicial Institute on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking: Lo…

The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking (NJIDCST) trainings by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) were held between 2014-2018. The NJIDCST hosted seven national training events, to provide…

Second National Summit on Courts and Military-Connected Families:…

The NCJFCJ held the Second National Summit on Courts and Military-Connected Families (Summit) September 23-24, 2019, at the Saber and Quill Conference Center, Fort Knox, KY. The one-and-a-half-day Summit brought together members and staff of…