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Domestic Violence and Firearms: Part II

Webcasts / Webinar / Domestic Violence and Firearms: Part II

The NCJFCJ’S Judge-in-Residence Steven Aycock and Senior Program Attorney Nancy Hart present an interactive discussion on effective ways courts can respond to domestic violence cases involving firearms. Around the country, courts are struggling with the practicalities of identifying domestic violence cases where firearms are present, verifying legitimate and safe transfers to third parties, and seizing and storing firearms owned by domestic violence offenders. This webinar builds on a previous discussion of federal laws related to domestic violence and firearms but can be taken independently by anyone wanting to learn more about best practices surrounding this complex issue. The faculty will discuss some effective examples from around the country, work through case scenarios, and field questions from participants. This exciting webinar designed for judges and court officials, offered through the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence.