The NCJFCJ convened a group of national subject matter experts in 2009 to examine what new guidance was needed to promote improved practices in CPO cases. The group’s efforts culminated in the creation of the Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice (CPO Guide). The document offers a Common Ground segment reflecting overall essential values and details specific guidance by profession.
The CPO Guide lists the following as universal values for professions:
- Safety – protecting individuals from harm throughout the process
- Autonomy – tailored relief that meets individual needs
- Accessibility – a system that is open without barriers to seeking assistance
- Competence – qualified, capable assistance available throughout the CPO system
- Reliability – consistency and dependability within the system
- Collaboration – CPO systems working from shared goals and prioritizing collaboration
- Culture and Diversity – CPO systems reflecting the community and responding to specific needs and circumstances
- Community Engagement – partnership and commitment between courts and communities to provide support/services and safety
The original CPO Guide provides guidance for the following professions/disciplines: Advocates, Civil Attorneys, Courts & Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Prosecutors. Recent CPO Guide supplements provide guidance for two additional disciplines: Court Personnel and Court Supervision.
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