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Enhancing Judicial Skills in Abuse in Later Life Cases Workshop

Upcoming Events / Enhancing Judicial Skills in Abuse in Later Life Cases Workshop

Enhancing Judicial Skills in Abuse in Later Life Cases Workshop
January 26-29, 2025 
Valencia, CA

Futures Without Violence and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) are offering a four-day, hands-on, highly interactive workshop that will help new and experienced state court and tribal court judges, and judicial officers, enhance their skills and ability to respond to cases involving elder abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation.

As a result of this course, you will be better able to:

  • Identify the signs of elder abuse in the various contexts it would emerge in the justice system.
  • Define ageism and its connection to oppression within the context of elder abuse cases.
  • Consider the diverse, lived experiences of older victims and others who may access the court and related institutions to reach more informed decisions.
  • Fashion safe, appropriate, and creative judicial remedies in response to elder abuse cases.
  • Identify and improve access to community resources for victims.
  • Discuss and promote promising practices to address elder abuse in the courts and the community.

There is no charge for the educational portion of this workshop. Participants are responsible for all travel-related coordination and costs.

This workshop is pending approval. Please continue holding these dates and do not make travel arrangements until you have been confirmed by the registrar. If you have any questions about the workshop please contact, Jenny Talancon at


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