The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence (NJIDV), a partnership of Futures Without Violence and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, offers a four-day, hands-on, highly interactive workshop that will help new and experienced state court and tribal court judges, and judicial officers to enhance their skills and ability to respond to cases involving elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
A judge participant in this workshop will be better able to:
- Define elder abuse and identify common abuse tactics.
- Describe common excuses and myths related to perpetrators’ abuse of elders.
- Discuss the range of barriers that inhibit access to justice and safety for elders in court, and enhance physical, legal, and attitudinal accessibility for older adult victims.
- Rule on evidentiary and legal challenges that perpetuate discrimination against, or jeopardize the safety of, aging adults who are victims of abuse.
Craft orders that preserve the dignity of elders, enhance victim safety and hold perpetrators accountable. - Develop and promote fair practices and procedures in the court and community that address the physical, financial, and emotional protection of older adult victims.
- Define the terms culture and cultural competence and enhance respect for the dynamics of difference in cases involving elder abuse.
- Develop a strategy and implement a mechanism to promote continued victim safety throughout and after court proceedings.
Assess the potential impact of a judge’s role within the court and the larger community.