Five Ways to Give a Gift to the NCJFCJ
Your tax-deductible contribution is important to help us fulfill our mission to improve the judicial experience for our children and families. There are many convenient and secure ways to show your support for the NCJFCJ. The mission of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges is to provide all judges, courts, and related agencies involved with juvenile, family, and domestic violence cases with the knowledge and skills to improve the lives of the families and children who seek justice.
1. Make an Online Donation in Support of Crucial Outreach Efforts and Non-Grant Initiatives
The NCJFCJ now has an easy online platform for online donations. Scan the QR code or visit the NCJFCJ’s Givebutter link to make one-time, monthly, quarterly, or annual gifts.
Why Donate?
Your gifts support NCJFCJ outreach, policy work, and non-grant initiatives. A few examples include our wellness, connection and leadership programming, committee efforts, the proactive and innovative work we do related to DEI and belonging in and out of courts, and our policy work highlighted by the annual Days on the Hill meetings in Washington, D.C. Unrestricted funds also allow the organization to respond rapidly to dynamic opportunities and complex issues facing families in the courts that may lead to future grant-funded programs.
Donations can be made in honor of someone, and donations can be designated for specific purposes that include membership for colleagues, specific NCJFCJ scholarships, and general donations.
Log In to MemberSuite to Donate
2. Judge Richard J. FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship Fund
Click Here to Give to the Judge Richard J. FitzGerald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Judge Richard J. FitzGerald taught and practiced that all professionals in juvenile and family courts should be well trained to ensure judges receive the information necessary to make the best possible, well-informed decisions for children and families.
- This scholarship is for any NCJFCJ member to broaden their knowledge through participation in our programs.
3. Give the Gift of Membership
Click Here to Give the Gift of an NCJFCJ membership
- Justice begins with well-trained professionals, and an independent, trusted judiciary.
- Your gift of membership will enhance the knowledge and skills needed to improve the lives of children, families, and survivors of domestic violence who seek justice.
4. The 1937 Club
Click Here to Join the 1937 Club
- The 1937 campaign is for those who share our vision for a society in which everyone has access to fair, equal, effective, and timely justice.
- Pledge $1,937 in a fiscal year in order to continue the NCJFCJ’s important mission. Becoming a Silver Bench member.
5. Judith Horgan Scholarship
Click Here to Give to the Judith Horgan Scholarship
- Judith Horgan strived to help new members of the NCJFCJ feel included and welcomed to join all of our conferences and events.
- This Scholarship is available to new NCJFCJ member judges, judicial officers, court officers, and professionals within their first 8 years of their chosen court system profession.
To make a contribution by phone, for more information on giving opportunities, or if you have any questions, please call (775) 507-4777
Thank You For Your Support
Give a Gift Today
The NCJFCJ has established the following giving levels:
Accumulative Lifetime Giving
Lifetime | $50,000+
Champions for Families | $10,000+
Annual Gift
President’s Circle | $5,000 – $9,999
Gold Bench | $2,500-$4,999
Silver Bench | $1,000-$2,499
Bronze Bench | $500-$999
Supporters of Justice | $250-$499
Friends of the NCJFCJ | Up to $249

The NCJFCJ is honored to receive the 100% Giving Board Award from the Community Foundation of northern Nevada for 2023. Charities winning this award receive a personal financial gift to their operating fund from every Board member. Thank you to our Board for showing your commitment to our mission, vision and values.
The NCJFCJ is honored to have earned the Candid Platinum Transparency Seal for 2024. The platinum seal is the highest level of recognition offered by Candid and is awarded to organizations that meet the highest standards of transparency and accountability. Checkout our Candid profile here.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
(registration number NV19751000331) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3)organization.
Your donations may be tax-deductible according to the provisions
of section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1986.