The Yellowstone ICWA Court have been improving outcomes for Indian children and families since the commencement of their ICWA Court in 2017 through higher placement preferences and improved permanency outcomes. Most recently in 2020, their jurisdiction won an Office Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) award to bring a first of it’s kind ICWA Court with a family treatment approach to keep children with their families.
Honorable Rodney Souza shared the impact of this approach on Gavel Talks Podcast. Specifically the formula of success to improved outcomes of their ICWA Court: “Improved relationships lead to better communication between state and tribal partners, which lead to additional collaboration, and that ultimately lead to better outcomes for [Indian] children,” Judge Souza shared.
Listen to the whole podcast here: Montana ICWA Court Making Strikes at Keeping Families Together, ABA Podcast, https://www.americanbar.org/groups/judicial/publications/gavel_talks/season-3/montana-icwa-court/