Cuando vaya al tribunal, le dará información (llamada “evidencia”) a un/a juez/a que decidirá su caso. Esta evidencia puede incluir información que usted u otra persona le dice al juez (“testimonio”) y también cosas como emails y mensajes de texto, documentos, fotos y objetos (documentos u objetos de prueba conocidos como “exhibits” en inglés).
This publication provides brief descriptions of various reports and their importance in a court’s continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts in child welfare cases; general specifications regarding how the reports can be constructed, including templates with…
This publication is an update to the Issues in Focus section of the Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice, also known as the CPO Guide. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court…
This judge’s action alert shares considerations for judges for sustaining remote/virtual hearing approaches and ensuring they are conducted in a high-quality way. These considerations address: laying the groundwork for combining remote/virtual and in-person court hearings;…