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Practical Tips to Help Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Teams Implem…

The In-Practice Tip Sheets are resources for Juvenile Drug Treatment Court (JDTC) teams and are meant to provide operational steps to implementing the JDTC Guidelines. This is not an exhaustive list of practice tips. Juvenile drug…

Individualizing Responses to Motivate Behavior Change in Youth: A…

Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts (JDTCs) have made strides in implementing evidence-based practices to improve program processes, services, and outcomes. These practices include using screening and assessment tools and substance use disorder treatment interventions specifically tailored…

Engaging Parents in Child Abuse and Neglect Hearings: Lessons Lea…

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) recommends that the court should do all that it can to encourage and support the meaningful engagement of children, youth, and families in the child…

Supplement to Civil Protection Orders: Community Supervision

In 2010, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice (CPO Guide), which contains strategies for various disciplines involved in the civil protection order process. This…

Supplement to Civil Protection Orders: Court Staff/Court Administ…

In 2010, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice (CPO Guide), which contains strategies for various disciplines involved in the civil protection order process. This…

Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Project: Lessons L…

Linking Systems of Care (LSC) for Children and Youth state demonstration sites strive to align activities in each phase of the project – Planning, Implementation, and Sustainability – with the Guiding Principles. Policy decisions should…

Custody Mediation and Domestic Violence: A Resource Guide for Med…

Mediation is widely used in the area of family law, where custody mediation is often mandated by statute or ordered by the court. According to statistics collected by the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence…

Can I or Can't I? Extra-judicial Activity and Judicial Leadership

Being a judge doesn’t end when the docket does. Experienced judges understand their duties include much more than overseeing a courtroom. A significant part of a judicial officer’s duties also includes leadership in the community,…

Voices from the Bench: Judicial Perspectives on Handling Child Se…

Domestic Child Sex Trafficking (DCST) is a form of human trafficking and a complex problem in the United States. DCST refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for…

Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Series

Child sex trafficking occurs every day across the U.S. and can happen to any child. Children involved in child welfare and the juvenile justice system are particularly vulnerable to becoming victims. The NCJFCJ believes juvenile…

Enhanced Juvenile Justice Guidelines

The NCJFCJ announced the release of the Enhanced Juvenile Justice Guidelines, the most recent update documenting the improvement of court practices in juvenile justice cases. Since 2005, with the original publication of Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines: Improving…

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act: Guide for…

Interstate custody cases involving domestic violence arrive at the courthouse in a variety of ways: A victim of domestic violence who has fled for safety from another state seeks an emergency custody order from your court.…