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Measuring Judicial Work in Dependency Cases: Lessons Learned from…

This Technical Assistance Brief details the research design and the ground-breaking methodology used to measure judicial workload in King, Spokane, and Mason Counties, and also provides an initial snapshot of workload findings.

Specialized Family Violence Information Packets

The Family Violence Department has developed five specialized family violence information packets on child protection and child custody issues in the context of domestic and family violence. A description of each packet and its table…

Court-Based Education Efforts for Children in Foster Care: The Ex…

Provides an easy to read summary of the lessons learned from implementing reform efforts aimed at improving educational outcomes for children in care in the Pima County (Tucson, Arizona) dependency court system. The document highlights…

Education Efforts for Children in Foster Care: The Pima County, A…

Provides detailed information regarding the various components of the educational reform efforts implemented by the Pima County Juvenile Court (Tucson, Arizona) and offers recommendations to other jurisdictions who want to address the educational issues faced…

The Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 and the John H. Chafee F…

Provides an overview of the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (passed in December 1999) which revises the former Title IV-E Independent Living Program to assist children likely to “age out” of the foster care…

Bench Card
Right from the Start: The Courts Catalyzing Change Preliminary Pr…

The report details positive qualitative and quantitative results when using the guidelines outlined in the Benchcard. Development of this Benchcard grew out of a national initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster…

Colorado Court Improvement Program: Respondent Parents' Counsel T…

In 2006, the State of Colorado Judicial Department, through its State Court Administrator’s Office (SCAO) contracted with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), and…

The El Paso, Texas 65th Judicial District Children's Court: Evalu…

Details findings of research which examined various innovative procedures and programs established in the El Paso Model Court.

The Portland Model Court Expanded Second Shelter Hearing Process:…

Summarizes research conducted between April 2000 and August 2001 regarding the Multnomah County Juvenile Court’s second shelter hearing process.

Resource Reallocation: The Clark County Experience

Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada, one of the ten demonstration sites, describes its experience and lessons learned in the process of applying resource reallocation to planning and implementing its graduated sanctions efforts. This is a…

What States Allow for Open Abuse/Neglect/Dependency Hearings?

Presents information on state statutes and/or court rules that permit or require abuse/neglect/dependency hearings to be open to the general public. Download Publication

Can Parents Ever Be Obligated for the Support of Their Institutio…

This report briefly discusses state provisions for the parental obligation of monetary support for institutionalized delinquent children. All states currently have statutes that make it either discretionary or mandatory for the court to require a…