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Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care (Fi…

Since 2011, the NCJFCJ has been publishing this Technical Assistance Bulletin (TAB) that identifies the disproportionality rates for children of color in foster care. With the public release of 2014 foster care data, new and…

Evidence-Based Policies, Programs, and Practices in Juvenile Just…

Evidence-Based Policies, Programs, and Practices in Juvenile Justice (13 pages) provide case studies of three jurisdictions achieving high standards through state support centers. The jurisdictions were selected based on a 50-state survey of efforts to…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 4 Issue 2

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. Why do juvenile drug treatment courts not seem to work? Do young people understand…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 3 Issue 3

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. What types of restorative justice programs have been shown to be effective in reducing…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 3 Issue 4

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. Can we assume correctional programs that sound as if they should be effective will…

Spotlight on Youth Victims of Violence

NCJJ and OJJDP recently introduced a Data Snapshot series to disseminate current research about youth in the juvenile justice system. Each one-page Snapshot focuses on a specific topic (e.g., youth victims of violence) and highlights…

Data Reflect Changing Nature of Facility Populations, Characteris…

NCJJ and OJJDP recently introduced a Data Snapshot series to disseminate current research about youth in the juvenile justice system. Each one-page Snapshot focuses on a specific topic and highlights policy-relevant findings. This Data Snapshot…

Dual Status Youth: Data Integration to Support System Integration

This StateScan distills knowledge from NCJJ’s Juvenile Justice Geography, Policy, Practice & Statistics website ( The author explores the difficulties and barriers to collecting prevalence data on dual status youth and highlights a few examples…

Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2013

This bulletin presents information from the 2013 Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, a biennial survey of public and private juvenile residential facilities that the U.S. Census Bureau conducted and OJJDP sponsored. The data indicates…

Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2014: Selected Findings

OJJDP has released “Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2014: Selected Findings.” This bulletin presents findings from OJJDP’s Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC), a biennial survey that collects information about facilities in which youth charged with or…

Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth, 2013

OJJDP has released Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth, 2013. While the Hispanic youth population in the United States continues to grow, little is known about the volume and nature of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth.…

Research Report: May 2016 National Judicial Institute on Domestic…

Domestic child sex trafficking (DCST) is a growing and complex problem in the U.S. Juvenile and family court judges are in a unique position to assist victimized youth to ensure they receive necessary services to…