Provides a field-tested checklist that judges can use to make inquiries regarding the educational needs of children and youth under their jurisdiction with the goal of positively impacting their educational outcomes and preparing them for…
Provides an overview of the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (passed in December 1999) which revises the former Title IV-E Independent Living Program to assist children likely to “age out” of the foster care…
Presents current practices aimed at addressing the educational needs of youth in care and areas needing improvement.
The mission of the National Working Group on Foster Care and Education is to promote successful educational outcomes for children and youth in foster care across the country. The Working Group, which is comprised of…
The report details positive qualitative and quantitative results when using the guidelines outlined in the Benchcard. Development of this Benchcard grew out of a national initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster…
The Technical Assistance Bulletin explains the history and background of the Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster Care Initiative (CCC), which brings together judicial officers and other systems’ experts to set a…
This publication, developed from interviews with Resource Guidelines founders, and a review of relevant background material, provides an overview of the genesis of the Guidelines and, over the years, how it has been used to…
In 2006, the State of Colorado Judicial Department, through its State Court Administrator’s Office (SCAO) contracted with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), and…
Provides examples of practice and strategies utilized by courts to address the best practices outlined in the Resource Guidelines and the Adoption and Permanency Guidelines. (October 2006).
This Technical Assistance Brief, A Judicial Checklist for Children and Youth Exposed to Violence, provides accessible information along with a Checklist for use as a reference tool for judges and practitioners in juvenile and family…
Addresses co-occurring domestic violence and child maltreatment, by focusing on the design, implementation and daily operation of the Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence.
It offers a framework for thinking about facilitating change in the child welfare system. Uses the experiences of Project Sites to illustrate ways in which these theoretical concepts can be implemented in the real world…