If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide contains some basic information about family court. While a lawyer who knows about domestic violence is the best person to help, many survivors cannot find or…
Since 2011, the NCJFCJ has been publishing this Technical Assistance Bulletin (TAB) that identifies the disproportionality rates for children of color in foster care. With the public release of 2015 foster care data, new and…
Nevada’s experience with mediation in dependency and termination of parental rights cases began in the Second Judicial District Court, Washoe County and goes back more than a decade to the early 2000s. In 2013, the…
The Second Judicial District Court of Nevada in Washoe County implemented a mediation program in late 2011 to support parents and stakeholders in the child abuse and neglect court system and help resolve contested matters…
In August 2011, the Second Judicial District Court of Nevada in Washoe County implemented a dependency mediation program. The overarching goal of the mediation program is to reduce the time to permanency for children. The…
Aunque las cortes de familia y los sistemas para el bienestar de menores fueron creados para proteger a las familias y para servir el mejor interés de los/as menores, los esfuerzos recientes para hacer cumplir…
Si usted es víctima de violencia doméstica y necesita ayuda legal, esta guía le ayudará a encontrar a alguien que le pueda ayudar con su caso. Puede que un abogado con conocimiento en violencia doméstica sea la mejor persona para ayudarle.…
Cuando vaya al tribunal, le dará información (llamada “evidencia”) a un/a juez/a que decidirá su caso. Esta evidencia puede incluir información que usted u otra persona le dice al juez (“testimonio”) y también cosas como emails y mensajes de texto, documentos,…
In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency…
In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Access to Juvenile Justice Irrespective of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression…
The board of directors of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges voted to adopt the principles and practices in this guide at their July 2017 meeting. Despite the fact that the majority…
Judges use information every day to inform decisions about individuals or cases, but not all judges apply that same information to making decisions about the practices in their courtroom or jurisdiction. For example, judges use…