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Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care (Fi…

Since 2011, the NCJFCJ has been publishing this Technical Assistance Bulletin (TAB) that identifies the disproportionality rates for children of color in foster care. With the public release of 2015 foster care data, new and…

Bench Card
Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency Proc…

In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency…

Bench Card
Access to Juvenile Justice Irrespective of Sexual Orientation, Ge…

In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Access to Juvenile Justice Irrespective of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression…

A Guide to the Guidelines: Practical Tips for Juvenile Drug Treat…

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) created a blog series titled: A Guide to the Guidelines: Practical Tips for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts to Implement. The series will provide juvenile drug treatment court professionals and teams…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Engage, Involve, Empower: Family Engagement in Juvenile Drug Trea…

Research has shown that family engagement during a youth’s time in the juvenile justice system helps to improve outcomes across behavioral health, education, and delinquency. To inform this technical assistance brief, which explores the application…

Developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for School-Justice…

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a critical document in establishing coordinated efforts in a school-justice partnership. An MOU is a multilateral agreement among multiple parties intended to express a common vision and line of…

Addressing the Intersections of Juvenile Justice Involvement and …

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) released their new report, “Addressing the Intersections of Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice Involvement: Principles for Achieving Change.” This report details ways that key stakeholders such as State Advisory…

Bench Card
The Unique Role of the Judge in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: A…

The role of the juvenile drug treatment court judge is unique. Juvenile drug treatment court judges must balance the role of team leader with their role as the “face” of the juvenile drug treatment court…

Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care (Fi…

Since 2011, the NCJFCJ has been publishing this Technical Assistance Bulletin (TAB) that identifies the disproportionality rates for children of color in foster care. With the public release of 2014 foster care data, new and…

Judicially-led Responses to the School Pathways to the Juvenile J…

The zero tolerance policies that were adopted by many local and state education agencies in the 1990s  had the unintended effect of unnecessarily introducing low-risk youth to the juvenile justice system for disruptive behaviors that…

Bench Card
Honoring Gault: Ensuring Access to Counsel in Delinquency Proceed…

In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center, this information card highlights due process and the right to counsel; ethical standards; and key elements of ensuring meaningful access to counsel for juveniles at the initial…

Tools for Planning and Improving Your Juvenile Drug Court's Refer…

All Juvenile Drug Courts (JDCs) need a process for determining how youth will get referred for consideration as participants and which youth will ultimately be accepted into the JDC program. There is no set of…