This eighth issue of Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth is now available for download. This issue covers the following topics: Does attending an “advantaged” school affect all students equally? What kinds of drug treatment programs…
It continues to be a persistent struggle for juvenile justice professionals to accurately identify youth who suffer from substance use and abuse and to effectively refer those youth to the appropriate level of services. This…
Juvenile Court Statistics 2013 draws on data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive (Archive) to profile nearly 1.1 million delinquency cases and 109,000 petitioned status offense cases handled in 2013 by U.S. courts with…
Juvenile justice probation and detention workers play an important role in helping system-involved youth and families navigate justice and social service systems; achieving goals of accountability, competency, and community safety; and promoting safety, self-determination, and…
From December 2013 to January 2014, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges visited and observed mentoring programs at 10 juvenile treatment drug court (JTDC) sites and conducted a focus group to discuss…
Under the auspices and leadership of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, a first-ever National Summit on Courts and the Military was convened in March 2015 at the U.S. Infantry Museum outside…
Since 2011, the NCJFCJ has published Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care Technical Assistance Bulletins, which identify national and state-level disproportionality rates. The reports have gained national attention and have been used…
This technical assistance brief is a publication of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and National Center for Missing & Exploited ChildrenĀ®. Juvenile and family court judges have an enormous responsibility for…
Children are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. When dealing with trafficking cases, child safety must guide all efforts: child victims must be protected, physically and psychologically, from their traffickers and provided with placements and services…
Volume 18, No. 1 of Synergy is dedicated to the topic of domestic child sex trafficking (DCST). Our lead article offers an overview of DCST and explores the dynamics of coercive control and the trafficking…
A recurring training offered by the NCJFCJ is the Child Abuse and Neglect Institute (CANI) which provides instruction in dependency court best practices for judicial officers who have either been newly assigned to child abuse…
There is not one nationally utilized method of calendaring dependency court cases. Rather, there are four common calendaring methods used to schedule these case types. These include (1) Block time, (2) Time-certain, (3) Combination of…