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Must Judges and Other Court Personnel Receive Special Training wi…

According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s web site, the goal of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program is to reduce juvenile offending through accountability-based programs focused on juvenile offenders and the…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 1 Issue 1

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. What determines whether the incarceration of a parent makes things worse for the person…

JJGPS StateScan Juvenile Competency Procedures

This is the 1st in a new series intended to support NCJJ’s Juvenile Justice Geography, Policy, Practice & Statistics website development effort. The first StateScan publication released for the project addresses state policy (as determined…

JCATSKing User Manual

The National Center for Juvenile Justice, through work on the MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change project, has developed a series of adjunct data reporting systems to help document the impact of key systems change reforms.…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 1 Issue 3

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. Can corrections programs make things worse? Why are children of immigrant parents in Sweden…

Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth, Volume 1 Issue 2

Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. Why do youths confess to crimes? Why were Mexican-American boys less likely than white…

Preparing for Continuous Quality Improvement

One in a series of three briefs on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), ”Preparing for Continuous Quality Improvement” offers guidance to organizations wishing to adopt CQI principles through three key steps: commitment to the process, focus…

A Closer Look at the CQI Process

One in a series of three briefs on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), ”A Closer Look at the CQI Process” provides detailed tips for implementing CQI practices such as collecting specific information, identifying benchmarks, and developing…

What is Continuous Quality Improvement

NCJJ, a partner in OJJDP’s State Training and Technical Assistance Center (STTAC), is pleased to announce a series of three briefs on Continuous Quality Improvement. These briefing papers describe the cyclical process of using data…

Juvenile Court Statistics 2010

Describes delinquency cases handled between 1985 and 2010 and petitioned status offense cases handled between 1995 and 2010 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. Courts with juvenile jurisdiction may handle a variety of matters, including…

Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2010

This bulletin presents national and state-level data from the 2010 Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP), describing 79,165 youth held in 2,259 facilities on February 24, 2010. Findings from the 2010 CJRP appear positive.…

Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2010: Selected Findings

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s biennial Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) collects information about facilities in which juvenile offenders are held. Respondents provide information about facility characteristics, including facility type, capacity, and…