This compendium contains examples from around the country of language used in the civil protection order process that ask questions/provide space for firearms information. We assembled these samples for reference by community stakeholders who are…
This guidance is focused on civil protection order cases, but many of the tools and approaches can readily be adapted to criminal domestic violence cases. Download Publication
The resources below offer an array of materials that contain information, guidance, and sample forms for making improvements to your civil system’s response to firearms in domestic violence cases. Download Publication
We assembled the brochures and informational materials in this document for reference by community stakeholders who are engaged in amending or creating their own resources. Please note that the compilation is meant to provide examples…
Teen dating violence, commonly known as dating violence, dating abuse, or relationship violence affects a wide range of young people from multiple backgrounds. This publication will explore some of the experiences and impacts of dating…
Charles Puzzanchera from the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) recently designed and implemented a new OJJDP/NIJ fact sheet titled Trends in Youth Arrests for Violent Crimes. The publication was accomplished under the direction of…
NCJFCJ partnered with judicially-led court sites to engage in Targeted Resource Mapping to document the continuum of services available for children and families affected by OUDs and other SUDs. As a result of that work, the NCJFCJ…
For civil protection orders to be enforced, they must first be served on the respondent. While most states require that protection orders be personally served on the respondent, this can often prove to be a…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many courts have expanded electronic access to filing certain types of cases by self-represented litigants, including for victims seeking protection orders. This publication looks at some of the frequently asked questions…
Many victims of domestic violence seek court-ordered safety measures to prevent and mitigate violence and abuse in their lives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts implemented general safety measures for in-person hearings and expanded the use…
The Ready Resource newsletter provides relevant information about the JEDI-DV’s current events, new and helpful resources, upcoming trainings for judges and judicial officers, and customized technical assistance and training resources related to improving responses to…
This compendium presents examples from across the country of components of a thorough law enforcement protocol for addressing firearms in domestic violence cases. Samples are organized around Introductory Language (statutes, the relationship between federal and…