This bench card, created in partnership by the NCJFCJ and the National Juvenile Defender Center and funded by the State Justice Institute, is intended to assist judges in considering the consequences of juvenile court involvement that…
This Child Welfare Caseworkers’ Companion Guide to the NCJFCJ’s ENHANCED RESOURCE GUIDELINES has been developed with the goal of improving caseworker hearing practice in child abuse and neglect cases generally, but also with a focus on improving…
Welcome to the second issue of The Ready Resource, designed to provide up-to-date information focused on trends and practices as courts work to improve responses to intimate partner violence cases.
While we recognize that dealing with the COVID-19 crisis is a stressful and overwhelming time for judicial officers and those that work for the court and that many of you and your staff may be…
Frequently Asked Questions on Relocation for Victim Advocates is designed to help people understand some of the legal issues involved in helping a domestic violence survivor who is considering moving from one state or tribal…
This guide maps out a sequence of steps for starting a juvenile drug court, beginning with your first planning meeting. For each step, you’ll find background about why the step is important, key points to…
The following bench cards were created by the American Bar Association to assist judges when a child is present in the courtroom: Engaging Young Children (ages 0-12 mo) in the Courtroom Engaging Toddlers (ages 1-3) &…
This Judge’s Action Alert highlights: the importance of this new source of federal funding; requirements for accessing IV-E funding; who is covered by this funding; judges’ roles in leveraging IV-E funding for children’s and parent’s…
This Judge’s Action Alert highlights: key aspects of high-quality legal representation relevant to judges and courts; judges’ roles in promoting quality representation; funding considerations; challenges to providing high-quality representation and how judges can help address…
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ (NCJFCJ) 2019 Annual Report, Reflection & Redefinition, looks back at the extraordinary achievements of the NCJFCJ in 2019. The members of the NCJFCJ are the driving…
In 2010, with funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to support critical cross-departmental and cross-system work, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges began work on the Multi-Court Collaboration…
Civil Protection Orders can be a powerful remedy for victims of domestic and sexual violence and stalking. However, when orders are not enforced, they can seem like nothing more than a piece of paper. Ensuring…