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Bench Card
Judicial Checklist for Children and Youth Exposed to Violence

This Technical Assistance Brief, A Judicial Checklist for Children and Youth Exposed to Violence, provides accessible information along with a Checklist for use as a reference tool for judges and practitioners in juvenile and family…

Domestic Violence Advocacy in Dependency Court: The Miami-Dade De…

Addresses co-occurring domestic violence and child maltreatment, by focusing on the design, implementation and daily operation of the Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence.

Building a Better Collaboration: Facilitating Change in the Court…

It offers a framework for thinking about facilitating change in the child welfare system. Uses the experiences of Project Sites to illustrate ways in which these theoretical concepts can be implemented in the real world…

Building a Better Court: Measuring and Improving Court Performanc…

This Guide and its Companion Toolkit outline a process that courts can use to measure court performance and judicial workload. The Companion Toolkit is available in PDF and Word versions.

Empowering Families in Child Protection Cases: An Implementation…

Summarizes a process and outcome evaluation of the ‘Ohana Conferencing Model of family group decision-making, a conferencing project in operation since 1996.

The El Paso, Texas 65th Judicial District Children's Court: Evalu…

Details findings of research which examined various innovative procedures and programs established in the El Paso Model Court.

The Portland Model Court Expanded Second Shelter Hearing Process:…

Summarizes research conducted between April 2000 and August 2001 regarding the Multnomah County Juvenile Court’s second shelter hearing process.

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: A Manual and…

Presents information necessary to effectively implement the ICPC. Provides instructional information to assist judges and court staff in teaching others about the Compact.

Full Faith and Credit: A Passport to Safety, A Judge's Guide

Full Faith and Credit: A Passport to Safety, A Judge’s Guide (Passport to Safety) was developed in 1999 as part of the Office on Violence Against Women’s comprehensive effort to assist states, tribes, and territories…

Bench Card
Checklist to Promote Perpetrator Accountability in Dependency Ca…

This publication is known as the Accountability Checklist and was developed to guide judges in holding perpetrators of domestic violence accountability and ensure that efforts to reach fathers will foster the safety and well-being of…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Key Principles for Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquen…

Congressional leaders, federal agencies, and private foundations have long-recognized the need for a national effort focusing on improving court practice in juvenile delinquency cases. In response to this need, the NCJFCJ, with funding from the…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Juvenile Justice Model Courts

Since the publication of the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines, the focus of the project has been to disseminate the document and encourage its use by jurisdictions to help guide system reform and improve practice in delinquency…