Aunque las cortes de familia y los sistemas para el bienestar de menores fueron creados para proteger a las familias y para servir el mejor interés de los/as menores, los esfuerzos recientes para hacer cumplir…
Si usted es víctima de violencia doméstica y necesita ayuda legal, esta guía le ayudará a encontrar a alguien que le pueda ayudar con su caso. Puede que un abogado con conocimiento en violencia doméstica sea la mejor persona para ayudarle.…
Cuando vaya al tribunal, le dará información (llamada “evidencia”) a un/a juez/a que decidirá su caso. Esta evidencia puede incluir información que usted u otra persona le dice al juez (“testimonio”) y también cosas como emails y mensajes de texto, documentos,…
The board of directors of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges voted to adopt the principles and practices in this guide at their July 2017 meeting. Despite the fact that the majority…
In partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice and the Ad Council, Futures Without Violence launched the Changing Minds campaign last fall 2016. The effort strives to raise awareness, teach skills, and inspire action most…
Although family courts and child welfare systems were created to protect families and to serve the best interests of children, recent immigration enforcement efforts have created an environment in which immigrant victims of domestic violence…
Infants and young children under the supervision of the court often have complicated and serious physical, developmental, and mental health-related challenges, so much so, that the American Academy of Pediatrics has classified this population as…
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) understands due process to require that all litigants have a meaningful opportunity to be heard, that all judicial and non-judicial decision-makers are neutral and unbiased,…
Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Demonstration Initiative’s Guiding Principles are designed to guide efforts to develop and better align all of the systems of care that respond to the needs of…
The NCJFCJ’s annual training for dependency court judges, the Child Abuse and Neglect Institute (CANI), provides instruction for new or experienced judges on the knowledge and skills necessary to preside over an effective child abuse…
In 2007, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, in partnership with Casey Family Programs, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention began the Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness…
While the need for supervised visitation and exchange for victims of domestic violence and their children had long been recognized, the Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program (Safe Havens Program) provided a key…