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Advancing Community Protection: A White Paper for Pennsylvania

This white paper is based on the belief that Pennsylvania citizens have a right to be and feel safe from crime. It recognizes that, for the most part, young people who commit crimes are not…

Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System Goals

This brochure outlines Pennsylvania’s statutory juvenile justice system goals – community protection, offender accountability, and competency development. It also discusses the foundational White Papers, commissioned by the state, which explain each goal, present relevant research,…

Advancing Competency Development: A Resource Guide for Pennsylvan…

This directory of programs is designed to assist juvenile courts, probation departments and service providers in identifying research-based curricula, community resources and Blueprints programs that can be implemented or tapped to provide competency development skill-training…

Models for Change 2008 Update: Gathering Forces

This report was assembled by NCJJ to report the progress of Models for Change Core States reform about 2 years into the demonstration site work in the first Models for Change core state, Pennsylvania. The…

Different from Adults: An Updated Analysis of Juvenile Transfer a…

This report maps the current landscape of state laws governing the trial, sentencing, and sanctioning of juveniles as adults. It summarize the transfer and blended sentencing laws of all 50 states and the District of…

Building Pennsylvania's Comprehensive Aftercare Model: Probation …

This paper describes the development of a structured and thoughtful approach for implementing Pennsylvania’s probation-related goals of the state’s Joint Policy Statement. The state has created a model for comprehensive aftercare operating in county juvenile…

Hunter Hurst Retires

This is a tribute to Hunter Hurst, the founding director of the National Center for Juvenile Justice, upon his retirement after 35 years. ‘Over his nearly 35 years as director, Hurst guided NCJJ from a…

Juvenile Court Statistics 2005

Describes delinquency cases handled between 1985 and 2005 and petitioned status offense cases handled between 1995 and 2005 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. Courts with juvenile jurisdiction may handle a variety of matters, including…

Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004

Presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1995 and 2004 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. The number of delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts decreased 7 percent between 1995 and 2004. During this period,…

Petitioned Status Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004

Discusses petitioned status offense cases in five major categories: running away, truancy, curfew law violations, ungovernability, and underage liquor law violations. Between 1995 and 2004, the number of petitioned status offense cases handled by U.S.…

Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1985-2004

Provides data on delinquency cases involving drug offenses handled between 1985 and 2004 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. In 2004, U.S. juvenile courts handled an estimated 193,700 delinquency cases in which a drug offense…

Juvenile Arrests 2006

Findings are presented on juvenile arrests as reported by local law enforcement officials to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program for 2006. Download Publication