The next issue of Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth is now available for download. This issue covers the following topics: Are Black youths living on the street particularly vulnerable to being stopped and searched by…
Juvenile courts nationwide handle cases referred by schools for truancy or behavioral incidents. Since 2012, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) have trained jurisdictions on strategies and policies to reduce the…
Throughout the 1990s, the rise of zero-tolerance school discipline policies resulted in the widespread adoption of strict and mandatory responses for a large range of misbehavior in school. An unintended consequence of these policies and…
Prior to the passage of the Gun Free Zone Act of 1994 (GFZA), school administrators and educators were largely responsible for addressing student misbehavior in schools. However, since the implementation of GFZA, an increasing number…
In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency…
In partnership with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) released the bench card Access to Juvenile Justice Irrespective of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression…
Judges use information every day to inform decisions about individuals or cases, but not all judges apply that same information to making decisions about the practices in their courtroom or jurisdiction. For example, judges use…
The next issue of Criminological Highlights: Children and Youth is now available for download. This issue covers the following topics: Do curfews for youths reduce crime? Why do young Black Americans perceive the criminal justice…
Criminological Highlights is designed to provide an accessible look at some of the more interesting criminological research that is currently being published. Do curfews for youths reduce crime? Why do young Black Americans perceive the criminal…
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) created a blog series titled: A Guide to the Guidelines: Practical Tips for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts to Implement. The series will provide juvenile drug treatment court professionals and teams…
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a critical document in establishing coordinated efforts in a school-justice partnership. An MOU is a multilateral agreement among multiple parties intended to express a common vision and line of…
The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) released their new report, “Addressing the Intersections of Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice Involvement: Principles for Achieving Change.” This report details ways that key stakeholders such as State Advisory…