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Trying and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: An Analysis of State T…

A comprehensive look at state laws authorizing the criminal prosecution and sentencing of juveniles. It updates a 1998 work by NCJJ, reflecting all changes in state statutes made through the 2002 legislative sessions, and also…

Status Offenders: Where Have They Gone and Who Cares

This article discusses the history and trends involved in the juvenile justice system’s handling of status offenders. Download Publication

Megan's Law: Termination of Registration Requirement (2003 Update…

This report, updated for 2003, highlights state variations in age limits or other provisions for ending the required Megan’s Law registration of an adjudicated juvenile sex offender. Download Publication

The State of Juvenile Detention in Pennsylvania, 2003

This report examines the Pennsylvania Juvenile Detention Assessment Project, a statewide study of the condition and needs of the field, and reveals the current state of juvenile detention in Pennsylvania. [NCJRS Annotation] Download Publication

Models for Change Systems Reform In Juvenile Justice Framework

This matrix provides the original matrix of values, goal, practices and measures that were used to from the MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change, Systems Change in Juvenile Justice strategy in 2003-04. The matrix is a…

Dependency Case Tracking Data Elements

Published in 2003 by the National Center for Juvenile Justice, this report recommends a list of data elements that juvenile and family courts should use to inventory, track and monitor neglect, abuse and dependency cases.…

Findings of the Utah Court Improvement Evaluation

This article reports the findings of the Utah Court Improvement Evaluation, a statewide evaluation of court improvement and Model Court reform efforts throughout the state of Utah. Through case file reviews, stakeholder interviews, court observations…

Youth Transfer Decisions: Exploring County Variations

‘Much research has been conducted on juvenile transfers, but relatively few studies rely on official and self-report data to evaluate this process. By using data from four counties within Washington State, this study examines how…

Measuring Performance of Balanced and Restorative Justice Probati…

The author promotes the design of performance measures for juvenile probation officers, explains why they are important for effective planning and budgeting, and discusses using performance measures in applying balanced and restorative justice goals. Download…

Juvenile Court Statistics 1999: Celebrating 100 Years of the Juve…

Data used in this report are stored in the National Juvenile Court Data Archive, which contains the most detailed information available on juveniles involved in the juvenile justice system and on the activities of U.S.…

Detention in Delinquency Cases, 1990-1999

This Fact Sheet presents statistics on the use of detention in delinquency caseloads handled by juvenile courts between 1990 and 1999. Examines national trends in the number of delinquency cases involving detention, the detention population…

Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1990-1999

This Fact Sheet provides data on delinquency cases involving drug offenses between 1990 and 1999, based on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report, Juvenile Court Statistics 1999. Download Publication