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Frequently Asked Questions about Electronic Filing in Cases Invol…

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many courts have expanded electronic access to filing certain types of cases by self-represented litigants, including for victims seeking protection orders. This publication looks at some of the frequently asked questions…

Improving Safety and Privacy in Civil Protection Order Cases: In-…

Many victims of domestic violence seek court-ordered safety measures to prevent and mitigate violence and abuse in their lives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts implemented general safety measures for in-person hearings and expanded the use…

Improving Safety and Privacy in Civil Protection Order Cases: In-…

Many litigants seek court-ordered safety measures to prevent and mitigate violence and abuse in their lives. While courts implement general safety measures to address public health concerns, special considerations may be needed to ensure safety…

Firearms and Civil Protection Orders: Answers to Judges' Frequent…

This document answers frequently asked questions relating to firearms and civil protection orders. Main topics include enforcement of jurisdiction and federal protection order laws, suggested collaboration efforts, information regarding a respondent’s access to firearms, addressing…

Strategies to Improve the Response to Firearms in Civil Protectio…

This document provides a checklist of strategies for judges to improve the response to firearms in civil protection order cases. Main topics include steps to assemble multi-disciplinary collaborative teams, mapping the civil protection process to…

Resources for Petitioners: Service of Process in Another State

This Technical Assistance Brief provides a summary of resources available regarding the out-of-state service of civil protection orders, petitions, and related court notices and documents.

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Child-Related Relief in Protection Orders

 This chart summarizes state statutes that permit a protection order to include an order regarding custody or parenting time, for child support, or for other child-related relief. For child support, only provisions authorizing payments directly…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Using Data in Domestic Violence Work: Spotlight on Legal Informat…

Navigating family court can be overwhelming, confusing, and stressful for families. Many people have financial barriers to accessing counsel, cannot qualify for traditional civil legal services, and are self-represented in their legal matters. The stress…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
Child Support When You're Afraid of the Other Parent

Do you want child support but are afraid of how your current or former partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend may react to a child support case? Are you unsure about getting child support and want to know what protections…

Fact Sheet
20 Facts for Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October 2019

June 22, 2019, marks the 20th anniversary of the publication of Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice aka the Greenbook. For more than 20 years, it has been the…

Technical Assistance Bulletin
10 Things to Know About Parenting Plans in Cases Involving Domest…

A goal of a custody case is to create a parenting plan that meets the family’s needs. If you’re a domestic violence survivor, that plan needs to be safe for you and your children. A…

Defining Child-Related Relief in Civil Protection Orders to Enhan…

Many communities around the country are implementing or considering the use of facilitated settlement processes and other forms of alternative dispute resolution in civil protection order cases, a practice that may be safe and beneficial…