Discusses petitioned status offense cases in five major categories: running away, truancy, curfew law violations, ungovernability, and underage liquor law violations. Between 1995 and 2004, the number of petitioned status offense cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction increased 39 percent. Truancy cases increased 69 percent, curfew violation cases increased 38 percent, liquor law violation cases increased 17 percent, while the number of petitioned runaway cases remained relatively stable between 1995 and 2004. This Fact Sheet is based on the OJJDP report Juvenile Court Statistics 2003-2004 which focuses on cases involving juveniles charged with law violations (delinquency or status offenses). The data used in the analyses were contributed to the National Juvenile Court Data Archive by nearly 1,900 courts with jurisdiction over 77 percent of the juvenile population in 2004.