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VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence

As the numbers of immigrant family violence victims accessing justice increases, state court judges need to understand the federal statutory protections afforded by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) confidentiality to immigrant crime victims that…

Overcoming the "Buts": Improving your Community's Response to Firearms and Domestic Violence Despite the Obstacles

Communities across the country face a variety of obstacles to removing firearms from individuals who are prohibited from having them due to civil protection orders (CPOs) or criminal convictions for domestic violence.  Although the CPO…

NCJFCJ's 10 Steps for Presenting Evidence in Court

When you go to court, you will give information (called “evidence”) to a judge who will decide your case. This evidence may include information you or someone else tells to the judge (“testimony”) as well…

NCJFCJ's 10 Ways to Find Help with Your Case

If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide will help you find someone who can help you with your case. A lawyer who knows about domestic violence may be…

Just Between You and Me… And the Entire World: The Trouble with Teen Sexting

Teen sexting is still a hot topic and remains a difficult matter for courts to address.  What are the harms and possible legal implications of this behavior and how might it overlap with dating violence…

Working with Adolescents Exposed to Domestic Violence

​​This webinar will explore adolescent brain development and the effects of trauma from domestic violence. Participants will learn about different factors that contribute to youth outcomes, including consideration of exposure to multiple types of violence…

Developing Practice-Based Evidence: Why is it Important to Domestic Violence Advocates and Child Welfare Professionals?

This webinar will offer the audience a platform to discuss: (a) Differences between practice-based evidence versus evidence-based practices; (b) Current literature on commonly used practices among domestic violence and child protection professionals; and (c) Resources…

Stalking, Part II: Technological Misuse in Intimate Partner Violence Cases

The vast majority of people interact with technology on a daily basis. While technology can present ways for offenders to track, surveillance, and monitor victims, technology itself is not the problem. As technology advances, so…

Trauma-Informed Court Systems: A Webinar for Tribal Communities

Are you interested in learning how courts are valuing tradition while recognizing trauma? Join us for a free webinar to hear how trauma-informed courts can improve outcomes for Native youth and families! Research continues to…

Stalking, Part I: The Hidden Crime

Research has shown that over 80% of victims who were stalked by an intimate partner were also physically assaulted by that partner. In addition, nearly 90% of femicide cases with a history of physical abuse…

Domestic Violence and Court Community Engagement: Serving Community Needs Through A Coordinated Response

While the specifics of Coordinated Community Response (CCR) programs vary across communities, the premise is that coordination and integration of the justice system, human services, and advocacy responses to domestic violence should reduce its occurrence.…

Working in Tribal Communities to Protect Victims and Communities from Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases

Tribal communities face a variety of unique obstacles to removing firearms from individuals who are prohibited from having them due to civil protection orders (CPOs) or criminal convictions for domestic violence. Yet the CPO and…