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LGBTQ2S+ Youth and Human Trafficking: A Dialogue

LGBTQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and Two-Spirit) youth in rural and urban settings report higher rates of dating and sexual violence and are more likely to experience homelessness and be trafficked due to cultural…

Child Labor Trafficking in the US - What You Need to Know

Did you know that labor trafficking is one of the prevalent forms of human trafficking in the world? Child labor trafficking is one of the most underreported types of trafficking in the United States. This…

Part 2: Promising Practices in Juvenile and Family Courts to Address Child Sex Trafficking

This training was adapted from The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking to serve the training needs of multidisciplinary stakeholder groups that are addressing child sex trafficking on the local level. This virtual…

Part 1: Promising Practices in Juvenile and Family Courts to Address Child Sex Trafficking

This training was adapted from The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking to serve the training needs of multidisciplinary stakeholder groups that are addressing child sex trafficking on the local level. This virtual…

Break from the Bench: Child Sex Trafficking and Domestic Violence

Break from the Bench: What a judge needs to know about… Child Sex Trafficking and Domestic Violence The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) invites you to the NCJFCJ’s Break from the Bench: A…

National Judicial Network Webinar – Familial Trafficking: What Research Tells Us About Risk and Opportunity

On June 6, 2022, the National Council of Juvenile and Family court Judges (NCJFCJ) held a webinar in partnership with National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) on a State Justice Institute (SJI) funded project on…

Reducing Demand for Child Sex Trafficking

Who buys sex from children, and why? Tens of thousands of children are sexually exploited every year in the United States. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), there were 21.4…

Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Mitigating Trauma

Judge John Romero (Ret.) and Toni McKinley, M.A., L.P.C., discuss steps that can be taken to mitigate trauma in the courtroom for youth who have survived sex trafficking trauma. Building a healing-centered and trauma-informed courtroom…

Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Frequently Asked Questions

Q&A Session with Toni McKinley, MA, LPC and Hon. John Romero (Ret.) on Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking.

Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Youth Choice and Voice

Judge John Romero and Toni McKinley discuss why it is important that youth who have been trafficked have a choice and a voice in the decisions made about their lives and how to ensure they…

Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Compassionate Communication

Judge John Romero and Toni McKinley discuss how to compassionately communicate with survivors of sex trafficking in the courtroom. Children who have survived sex trafficking have experienced trauma. Communicating compassionately with children who have survived…

Understanding and Communicating with Youth Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Understanding Youth Behavior

Judge John Romero and Toni McKinley discuss the behavior of youth who have survived sex trafficking or other forms of trauma. They discuss how understanding youth behavior in the context of their experiences allows judges…