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LGBTQ2S+ Youth and Human Trafficking: A Dialogue

LGBTQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and Two-Spirit) youth in rural and urban settings report higher rates of dating and sexual violence and are more likely to experience homelessness and be trafficked due to cultural…

Teen Dating Violence and LGBTQIA+ Youth: Information to Support Judges and Other Professionals Interacting with Teen Victims and Offenders

Date: September 27, 2022 Title: Teen Dating Violence and LGBTQIA+ Youth: Information to Support Judges and Other Professionals Interacting with Teen Victims and Offenders Presenters: Honorable Judge Stuart Katz, (ret.), Jasmine Uribe, CEO, Leaders Ending…

Break from the Bench: Domestic Violence and the LGBTQI Community

Break from the Bench: What a judge needs to know about… Domestic Violence and the LGBTQI Community The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) invites you to the NCJFCJ’s Break from the Bench: A…

What Judges Need to Know About Abuse in Later Life within the LGBTQ Community

  What Judges Need to Know About Abuse in Later Life within the LGBTQ Community The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) invites you to the NCJFCJ’s “What Judges Need to Know Abuse in…

Census 2020 - Do Your Part. Be Counted.

Do Your Part. Be Counted. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Collaborative, organizations representing judges and practitioners within the judiciary and legal profession, encourage you to participate in the 2020 Census:

NCJFCJ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Video

Parenting Plans: What Advocates Should Know

This webinar is a continuation of our self-represented litigants’ webinar series and is geared towards an audience of domestic violence advocates working with self-represented litigants. The webinar will parallel the new self-represented litigants’ publication that…

Teen Dating Violence: Cyber Abuse, Social Media, and the Courts

With more teens than ever using social media to connect with their friends, it is important that courts and court staff stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques used to abuse. Moreover, with nearly…

National Crime Victims' Rights Week 2019

To commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 7–13, the NCJFCJ will connect this year’s theme—Honoring Our Past. Creating Hope for the Future–to the Linking Systems of Care Guiding Principles to celebrate the progress made…

Power Within the Paper: Court Responses to Enhance Compliance & Enforcement of CPOs

As a result of this webinar, participants will be better able to: Discuss ways to promote victim safety and batterer accountability by prioritizing civil protection order (CPO) enforcement. Identify and take advantage of opportunities within…

Protecting Survivors’ Economic Security in Later Life: Divorce, QDROs, and Coercive Control

Concerns about long-term economic security can make it difficult for survivors of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships, and abusers often exhibit economic control and coercion over victims. We’ll explore how survivors can obtain part…

Introducing the Enhanced Juvenile Justice Guidelines

In 2005, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquency Cases (JDG). Over the years, the JDG has served as the guidepost for juvenile courts across the country. The JDG identifies the essential elements…